Mortage Fraud
Could Someone Really Steal Your Home? Yes it could happen to you! If you have any equity in your property you're a target.
#1: Get rid of that easy access mail box and either have a mail slot installed or purchase a locking mail box. Visit for a nice selection or your local hardware store. I know a good installer if you need one.
#2 Ensure that access to your home telephone phone line on the side of your home is secured a dollar store luggage lock should suffice" and would at least show signs of tampering if accessed. Thieves can tap into your own phone line to Validate credit cards they applied for from information they stole from your mail box and paper recycling.
#3: The purchase of a paper shredder is important when discarding any sensitive information like old Visa Statements, old bills and even Credit Card Pre-Approved solicitations. Prices of shredders start at as low as $30.00. I recommend a cross cut shredder.
#4: Make sure you have Title insurance. The more equity you have in your home equates to more that can be stolen and the easier it would be to steal it. If you’re not sure you have it, Find out! Call me or the Lawyer you used in the purchase of your home. Title insurance will only cover you for up to 200% of the initial purchase price of your home, You may need to top up that insurance.
#5: Equifax, TransUnion Canada are two of the major credit report companies that keep records of your Credit worthiness that are utilized by Lenders and others to verify your personal financial information. There are others Reporting Companies you may wish to contact also but these are the two largest. They can be found easily enough by going to and searching for "Credit Reports"
I recommend that they must have your consent to give out your Credit Report to anyone requesting it. |
You should have this additional safe guard added to your credit information that will require anyone accessing your report to get your permission. What you need to do is contact these Companies and request a BIG RED FLAG to be added to your file that they never give out your credit information without e-mailing/faxing/calling you and obtaining your permission. You can choose the format of authentication that best suites your needs.
Remember that if you are in the process of applying for credit, advice the parties involved “Your Realtor/ Lender/Visa” that you have this BIG RED FLAG in place and there may be a delay in your credit application. Contact information at & You can call Equifax toll-free at 1-800-465-7166 or 514-493-2314 to find out what requirements they need from you to add the BIG RED FLAG.
#6: Don’t carry your Birth Certificate or Social Insurance Card in your wallet / purse. It's very hard to have it drop on the ground somewhere if it's locked away in the fire proof filing cabinet.
Never give it out to anyone over the phone unless you can be 100% sure you are talking to the person you think you are.
I hope you found this information is useful and if you have any questions or would like to add any additional information that I may have missed that can help others protect themselves and their Families please feel free to give me a call or contact me by email.